"Do not bid love wake until it so desires,
Though it demand all cost from you and fires
On this fallen sphere! Your heart He will reform,
And teach it how to persevere through storm
Of hate of men, and tear your idols down.
Yet those standing till the end receive a crown;
Those He makes to love Him will facedown
Love Him through ceaseless praise in endless day,
Not for a second find Him far away,
Enjoying deeply all pleasures He purveys
To each child who His cross surveys
And throws upon this Lamb their trust entire."
Eventually, she will comprehend love's strength,
Extending past the end of her life's length
On Old Earth, her death-purchased soul to save,
Kept by the Spirit's seal to drown the grave.
His love for her cannot be quenched by wave
Or wind, both of which He created and arranged
To try her, that her feeble faith may change
From one glory to the next through her life's range.
Her Lover saved her broken heart astray.
This time, she bids her Lover: "Come away."
She trusts Him in His ever-helpful care;
Even when His love guides, "Come down from there!"
We yearn for our sight to become more clear;
We fast because our Bridegroom is not here.
The future glory still lingers past our view;
Let us gaze on it, that we may gaze on You!
"Come", the word of love's gracious, binding cord;
"Abide", to hold fast to love our Lord;
Kill the sins that Jesus has abhorred;
The Savior Who came with dividing sword
Paid the highest for His future Bride adorned:
Not many wise, not many noble,
Not many learned and some ignoble,
To prove that no condition moves His choice,
But all of grace, His sheep hark to His voice
And follow Him, to gain a great reward.
Know this: You did not choose those who He has adored.
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