The thrills of the soul beyond this life are far greater than anything in this life. Small children are easily thrilled by many varieties of things, as was I when I was younger. Yet witnessing the glory of God will bring a greater and never-ending joy to me than any of these things that I saw in childlike wonder, even my own conversion as a wee lad. Compared to eternity, we must realize that our salvation merely gets us in the door of the King’s palace. The King will have much more for us – all centered on Himself.
Similarly, the thrills of the present time are nothing. The book of Ecclesiastes details many things as vanity that are, or at least describe, many things that we can run into in this present world. Performing well at work makes me happy to have accomplished something while finding favor in the eyes of God and men, but advancement is nothing. Laughter is “foolishness” (Ecclesiastes 2:2), and having expensive possessions only lifts one’s spirits for a time. None of it lasts.
Yes, and if God should continue to grant me more days on this earth, nothing that I can do or obtain or experience can outdo His ability to set my affections afire for Him in heaven. Marriage on this earth is but for a moment in eternity. Fatherhood, and taking on the responsibilities and joys of raising “legacies” and “image-bearers” (some great ways to refer to children in the holy hip hop community! J ), can be thought of the same way. If God chooses to give these things to me, they will be blessings. But knowing Christ is the one “surpassing greatness” (Philippians 3:8).
Right now, I cannot help but think of how much of a rush I get sometimes when spending time with God, when reading of Him and when worshiping Him, when my conscience is clear and my thoughts extremely Christ-centered. At these times, the spiritual thrills far outshine the physical. Bringing Him the praise that He deserves gives my heart a sense of almost otherworldliness as I reflect on His character and His work: “Behold Him there, the risen Lamb!”
One of the best things I have ever learned in small group was to rejoice in the empty tomb. Recently reading in the Gospel of Mark, I came to also rejoice in the torn veil. I have been reading in The Pleasures of God, just beside myself, overwhelmed by what I have seen there – feeling quite unworthy to read it. Yet through the torn veil, God says, “You, the average man: Come know Me in the same way that the high priests of old knew me. Let Me show you who I am.”
"Pity on those of us who would trade a fleeting moment of pleasure for the ecstasy of eternity."
- RT @Lecrae
"The thought of You stirs [man] so deeply that he cannot be content unless he praises You, because You made us for Yourself and our hearts find no peace until they rest in You."
- Augustine of Hippo (via Trip Lee – Reach Records blog)
“Who is He?
God in the flesh who was tested, came, manifested, was killed, resurrected.
Who are you?
Do you even know who you are,
Created to know the God who created the stars?
Who is He?
He was. He is. He will be.
Death couldn’t hold Him, and neither shall death seal me.
Who are you?
You’re better off never existing if you don’t trust the God of the Scriptures.
You listening?”
- Json, “Who Is He?”
“I'd rather be a janitor in God's house than a prince on this earth.
The more I think on Christ, the more that I'm convinced of His worth.
Ever since the New Birth, things haven't been quite the same.
Holy Spirit, please light the flame! …
“God is closer than He appears,
like the objects in a side-view mirror.
I'm here to provide you clearer
Insight as I write in a candle-lit room,
Of how Christ took flight and abandoned the tomb.
It's bad to assume you understand. Imagine your gloom
When you see the Son of Man in His majesty suit.
His control is absolute. He lets the twilight shine.
And His Holy attributes stretch the finite mind.
He shines above with His Godly essence;
Divine Love and Omnipresence;
Infinitely Just, which means danger for the lost;
Intimate with us, 'cause Jesus took His anger on the cross!”
- Shai Linne in “Bondservants” by Timothy Brindle
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