I just want to be,
I just want to be closer to Your heart.
You will find me there.
Everything I am, it's because of You.
It's because of You, and now we sing tonight:
I'm giving You all of me tonight.
I'll let go of everything tonight.
I'm giving You all of me tonight, tonight,
Tonight, I'll give You all of me.
Let's pray:
Dear Father, in the name of Your holy Son,
I desire like Jesus, pray for us to be one (I do)
I desire to give. I desire to serve. I desire to love others with more than my words.
Bless me to be humble. Bless me to be meek.
I want to be a joy when people come around me.
Give me a gentle spirit. Bless me to be content.
Please keep me from my sin. Let me quickly repent.
Please give me discipline. Give me self-control,
to know when to stop and when to say no.
Make me a bold witness. Please remove fear.
Replace it with faith. Pour out Your Spirit here.
Fill me up, Lord. Let me overflow.
Let me overdose. Make me holy. Keep me close.
I want to give it all until there's none left.
But I can't be too giving. Look at Your Son's death.
I just want to be,
I just want to be closer to Your heart.
You will find me there.
Everything I am, it's because of You.
It's because of You, and now we sing tonight:
I'm giving You all of me tonight.
I'll let go of everything tonight.
I'm giving You all of me tonight, tonight,
Tonight, I'll give You all of me.
I can see You talking to the high priest.
Peter just denied You.
for the second time. One more time, he will deny You. (Why?)
One of the officers smacked You in the face,
but he didn't understand that You were actually grace.
But the people would rather see the release of a thief
than to know forgiveness and be with the Prince of Peace. (That's true.)
And as they scream for Pilate to crucify You,
I hear my own voice 'cause every day I deny You. (Somehow.)
But You still bore the cross on Your vertebrae
Walking to Golgotha, what a display of grace!
I see Your weakened body beaten - can't keep me from crying
Your cross was very heavy. They gave it to Simon.
Then You were crucified. They divided Your clothes.
Like the Scriptures prophesied, You died and You rose. (Yes!)
Two thousand years ago, slaughtered on a tree,
You gave all of You. I'm giving all of me.
I just want to be,
I just want to be closer to Your heart.
You will find me there.
Everything I am, it's because of You.
It's because of You, and now we sing tonight:
I'm giving You all of me tonight.
I'll let go of everything tonight.
I'm giving You all of me tonight, tonight,
Tonight, I'll give You all of me.
This I pray, Lord,
To be like Abraham:
Ready to give it all. My only son is the lamb.
Ready to sacrifice everything if You ask,
Because nothing is mine - not even this life that I have.
Everything I own, O Lord, is a gift,
So who am I to hold it with a firm grip?
I give You my talents. I give You my time.
I give You my eyes. I give You my mind.
I just want to be,
I just want to be closer to Your heart.
You will find me there.
Everything I am, it's because of You.
It's because of You, and now we sing tonight:
I'm giving You all of me tonight.
I'll let go of everything tonight.
I'm giving You all of me tonight, tonight,
Tonight, I'll give You all of me.
I'll give You all of me. ...
- Flame, "Tonight (All of Me)", from Captured.
(If you are reading this because you were looking for the words to this song, please check out my other posts from the menu at the right!)
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