This is a continuation of "Expositional Poetry on 1 Kings 9:9-18, Part 1".
A whirl
Of breeze, barely felt
In an arid land - but something is different about it.
A pearl
Of wisdom comes inside it as he dwelt
In the cave where he had felt shelter from the storms.
A whorl
In his fingers feels this air,
So insignificant if he would not just listen.
Almost a calm
To follow the whole gale
Of tornadic force that he could barely withstand.
He puts his mantle back on, still shaken to his core
That a "failure" like himself would be given more
To do for the Almighty against his enemies' roar.
Be still, and know the stillness is too hard to ignore:
"You, in a silent breath of wind?"
"You see life with one eye through a shattered prism,
Two-dimensional - no depth perception.
You see the world through this savage system
Do I lack the power to change its direction?
What are you doing here, Elijah -
Continuing to place all faith in you?
What are you doing here, Elijah -
In causeless depression, through and through?
Just listen, Elijah -
If you trust, I level crooked paths.
Just listen, Elijah -
I will save a remnant from My wrath.
"A remnant -
Of seven thousand strong whose knees stay fixed,
Upright against the rulers' brazen god. They will resist
The advance of false worship in My land
Of a god of matter brought to being by My hand.
A new king
Will end the praise of Baal
Even after you are caught to be with Me.
I will find you still ever faithful, to the point
That the closest few that my Son will appoint
Will need a reminder - worship Me instead of you.
Have faith, until sight comes, in future grace,
Which arrives forever when you see My face."
"Repentance -
Even over despondency
Over kings killing me
And remnants writing me off
For my faults as a leader."
Resemblance -
To repent means change of mind -
"Go and sin no more", like the well woman -
And to replace sin with something,
To grab hold of God with no intention of letting go,
Trusting not in my hold on You
but Your hold on me.
It is promised in
Your Word - Saving breath of wind.
"You will follow
Until My work in you is done.
You will anoint the men to carry on
My work to praise My name under My sun.
From the rising to the setting of all days
In My city, earth, and heaven, I still reign.
Creation groans for its redemption and full praise
Of Me. I rule the waves and wind."
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