42. I am given assurance of my salvation based on the work that God is doing in my life. He has not left me the same since my conversion. The knowledge of Him is also experiential and felt; it is not just knowing facts about Him or believing the right things. "The life of God in the soul authenticates itself. It brings with it its own evidence. Is it possible that a believer can be a subject of the quickening grace of the Holy Spirit, and not know it? Possess union with Christ, and not know it? The pardon of sin, and not know it? Communion with God, and not know it? Breathing after holiness, and not know it? Impossible!" - Octavius Winslow. (1 John 3:14)
43. I am more blessed when I have little wealth than an unconverted man when he is very materially rich. All the world's wealth does is blind me. If wealth distracts me from loving Christ, I would rather have nothing, because the Lord is a far greater blessing. And a man who lives to acquire a great deal of wealth in this world and does not repent of his sins will have nothing when he spends eternity in hell. "Paul was a prisoner, sick, bruised, and very poor. But he rejoiced in the Lord and did not ask for more." - Dillon Chase, "Dive In". (Psalm 37:16)
44. I am upheld by the King of Glory as I go through trials in life and suffer for His name's sake. As He continues to break me and rid me of idols, He gives me a progressively clearer picture that His grace is sufficient. The word "sufficient" is beautiful because logicians relate it to the word "necessary". "Necessary" means that something must be there. "Sufficient" means that it is the only thing you need. God describes His grace as sufficient. "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace - all-sufficient - will be thy supply. The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design: thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine." - John Rippon. (2 Corinthians 12:9; Psalm 66:8-10)
45. I am constantly fighting in a spiritual battle for the truth of God to be passed down to the next generation. Though it may seem that the false doctrines that many are teaching today are new, Biblical Christianity has faced false teaching throughout its history - and false prophets both before and since Christ. God has always preserved His Word and allowed His truth to continue being passed to people yet unborn. I have a responsibility for living out and upholding sound doctrine in my life, and not tolerating those who proclaim a different gospel. (Psalm 22:30-31; Jeremiah 14:14; Revelation 2:20)
46. I am living in a war and thus called to live a wartime lifestyle. Far from the romantic, white picket fence "simple life", the wartime lifestyle requires sacrifice, discipline, and support from the other troops on my side. As Martin Luther said, "A faith that costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing." I must truly give up the things in this life that I consider mine and chase Christ relentlessly. If I do that, the Lord has a certain promise to me: I will find Him. (Mark 8:35; Jeremiah 29:13; paraphrases from Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper)
47. I am seeking to glorify God, so I cannot be a habitual self-promoter. When I seek glory for myself, I eventually must realize that it is not mine to seek - and repent. An infinitely faithful God has loved me - a sinner, who can only praise Him inconsistently at best - with an everlasting love. He deserves all of my praise. "Self cannot possibly exist in this atmosphere; all along it must be crucified ... Have no illusion about this. If you think it is a life in which you are going to make a great name, and be praised, and one in which you are going to be made wonderful, you may as well stop at this point and go back to the beginning, for he who would enter by this gate must say goodbye to self." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones. (Psalm 115:1)
48. I am to praise the Lord for all of my life, and even with my dying breath. He is forever worthy of that. "Praise is the rehearsal of our eternal song. By grace we learn to sing, and in glory we continue to sing. What will some of you do when you get to Heaven, if you go on grumbling all the way? Do not hope to get to heaven in that style. But begin now to bless the name of the Lord." - Charles Spurgeon. (Psalm 146:2)
49. I am able to see that the Lord really is all I need. Even when my work produces nothing and I have no possessions, it becomes more apparent to me that the Lord is my source of strength. "When our needs are permitted to grow to an extremity, and all visible hopes fail, then to have relief given wonderfully enhances the price of such a mercy." - John Flavel. (Habakkuk 3:17-18; Isaiah 41:17-18)
50. I am able to glorify God by obeying earthly rulers who do not love Him. God allows me to not be afraid when those around me, including those in political power, do not please the Lord. In areas of the world where He is not being worshiped, He will draw men to Himself from every tribe, tongue, and nation. All leaders, including those who are not believers, are appointed by God. I am concerned when I see God's law being broken, but God will act as He sees fit. As for me, my responsibility is to commit my way to the Lord and delight in Him. "I take my share in earthly politics, earthly labor, even earthly pain. But let's be clear. I am no Earthling. I'm an alien." - Lecrae. (Psalm 119:126; Psalm 37:5; Revelation 5:9)
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