"Let's bring everything into perspective. Let's see, regardless of what happens now, let's live in light of eternity whenever we're at the presence of Jesus Christ. It's good news for His people.
"We look at ourselves and see that we're passing away.
The fact is, we actually fade.
Every day that passes, we face
The fate of this world - collapsing one day, because
This world is fallen; don't think that it's perfect,
Got hurricanes, floods, fires that are burning.
But there was a time when all of it worshiped
The God who created it for His own purpose.
But now it awaits: the day when He comes
To settle things straight - the Savior, the Son
of God the Father, will make all things one
Heaven and earth will fade away, but
The City He'll build will endure forever
Now you feel burdened, but there you will never,
light as a feather. The God who you treasure,
He sits on the throne as He reigns with all splendor.
Your body is groaning from pain and sin,
But please, wait, remain content.
I promise it will be amazing when the Lamb who was slain has us raised with Him.
And this is the day that we'll gaze at Him and we'll glance at our bodies that are saved from sin.
Then we'll see the wounds that remain on Him
And we fall on our face and start praising Him! Yes,
"Heaven is trembling in awe of Your wonder.
Kings and their kingdoms are standing amazed, because
Here in Your presence, we are undone!
Here in Your presence, heaven and earth become one!
Here in Your presence, all things are new! [Maranatha, Lord; come quick!]
Here in Your presence, everything bows before You!"
"So when trials are pressing and your faith is tested,
Remember the Holy Spirit that's indwelling
No matter the weapon the enemy's flexing,
You don't need to fear; you're always in His presence.
From days, hours, minutes, to seconds,
We eagerly wait to be freed from this wreckage
Struggles and strife, we're still not neglected
We have His love because we've been predestined,
Designed to reside in the body of Christ,
Adopted from what tried to rob us of life.
This world is evil; you're probably right,
Full of sinful humans who are lost without light.
So what is the motive to shine as a lamp?
Fix your mind on the time when the Bride would dance
With Christ, the Groom, the Head of the Church
An eternal legacy destined to work!
This is our hope. This is our promise.
If you're doubting the truth, know that He's sovereign.
Shout from the roof that your God is awesome
And know He's your daddy; you can call Him "Abba"
No sword will sever; no death would it cease.
Christ is the Victor; His work is complete.
We have the victory. We have the peace.
So fight the good fight till the final defeat!
"Heaven is trembling in awe of Your wonder. [Yeah!]
Kings and their kingdoms are standing amazed [This is what we say, Lord! This is what we sing to You!], because
Here in Your presence, we are undone! [You're holy, Lord; You're holy!]
Here in Your presence, heaven and earth become one! [They become one, Lord. You're the King of it all!]
Here in Your presence, all things are new! [All things are new to You, Jesus; You make all things new!]
Here in Your presence, everything bows before You! [And now that I know this, Lord, I live for You!]"
"Take away cash! Take my career! Take all that I have!
It got us to where You can take away money and take away food
But that doesn't mean much to me, dude, it's true:
Who do I have but Jesus? That's right.
He is all I'll need in tragedies; they have disease [?]
I'll cast them at the precious feet of Jesus.
Let's sit at the face and scream, "I am free!"
And put sin in its place; it was nailed to the tree.
Turn to your Savior; don't be moved for nothing.
In Him find your joy 'cause one day He'll be coming.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand!
Let's bring it back to where we are now,
With babies aborted and tossed to the ground
Enslavement to sin, addicted to drugs,
Anything for a fix while the kids need a hug
One day the Savior will come as the Judge.
The wicked will be cast away like the flood.
While they are here, don't hold a grudge.
Go preach the gospel and save whom He loves.
Children will die. Ones will be lost.
Persecution will come. We will all pay the cost.
At the end of the day, we are the conquerors,
reign with the King who redeemed every part of us.
Every tear dry, every failure destroyed:
Nothing to describe what we'll feel with that joy,
As we'll sing with the church that He bought with His blood
The chorus forever will sing up above:
"Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
"Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, [You are] matchless in every way
"Wonderful [Sing to You!], beautiful [O Lord!], glorious [undone, right here, right now!], matchless in every way
"We are amazed... You are glorious!
"Wonderful [wonderful!], beautiful [beautiful!], glorious [glorious!]...
"Jesus, we thank You, Lord, for freeing us from this body of sin,
and on top of that, promising the reality of our resurrection with You, Lord:
wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way!"
(I transcribed the lyrics. Please leave a comment and let me know if there are any mistakes.)
thank you soooo much ...been looking around the net for this..God bless u