I saw some people have been looking for the words to Dillon Chase's remix of "How He Loves". I transcribed them around the same time that I did the words to his remix of "Here In Your Presence", so here they are. Again, please correct me if anything is not accurate.
"From the chosen of Israel to the present-day times,
God, we are inferior!
This blessing is mine.
I question to find myself truly acquainted with You.
I'm frustrated by what moves me to forget You.
Consumed with Your greatness; You prove to be gracious.
I view this throughout Your Scripture, read it, hear it, feel it.
Consuming my heart, produce from the thought
The depths of the sovereign grace.
God, You are great; I am not.
But You view me as bought.
You Who sought me when I kept on running,
Fingertips stripped away chains I was hugging.
I willfully spit in Your face with my lips.
You wiped it off and let Your blood drip.
"Oh, how He loves us! [Grace alone]
Oh, how He loves us, [Through faith alone]
How He loves us so! [In Christ alone, for Your glory alone]"
"In the heat of the storm, I'm seeking You, Lord.
Your lovingkindness is better than life!
I need You more than anything, You're
More than enough, my Treasure, my Prize!
Yes, You are God. Yes, I am fallen.
But You gave a calling that had to be heard.
You opened up the ears of my heart,
Came near my heart and actually turned.
I wouldn't have wanted to trust in the Gospel
And now I am brought to my knees; I surrender.
Your love overflows; it spills in my mouth.
I yell and I shout,
That Jesus is risen! Jesus is Lord! He's mighty to save!
Humbled by Your grace, I died to my ways!
I try to explain, but I run out of words!
I cry and proclaim Your wondrous works!
Oh, how You loved me first.
Oh, how I am nothing but dirt,
But You make me Your own. You cover my hurt
With Your love, not my works. Only by grace, You're taking me home.
Oh, how He loved us first.
Oh, how we're nothing but dirt,
But He makes us His own. He covers our hurt
With His love, not our works. Only by grace, He is taking us home.
"Oh, how He loves us! [By grace alone, through faith alone]
Oh, how He loves us, [In Christ alone, for Your glory alone!]
How He loves us so!"
"I pray that this world, in their sin and rebellion,
Would turn from their sin and begin to go tell them
That we who belong to the God Who has saved us.
Have hope and not hurt. He is the safe haven.
This here was the greatest. He's holy and just,
Gracious and merciful - that's not enough.
On top of that, He is sovereign 'cause
He receives all who He bought with His blood.
Nothing can keep Him from loving His people,
Not death, man, or satan can seek to
Snatch us from His hand. We're clutched by His grace
Kept by the Spirit, we're one in this race.
Safe in His hands, clutched by His grace:
what got us here was nothing but faith.
Safe in His hands, clutched by His grace:
what got us here was nothing but faith.
"Oh, how He loves us!
Oh, how He loves us!
Oh, how He loves us!
Oh, he loves!
"And we are His portion
And He is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If His grace is an ocean, we are sinking.
And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
when I think about the way that He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us!
Oh, how He loves us!
Oh, how He loves!"
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